Adding A Dock To Your Waterfront Property

If you own a boat or other type of watercraft and live on a body of water, a dock can be an important upgrade to make to your yard. While docks are fairly common sights along the coasts of bodies of water, homeowners may be misinformed about what adding and owning a dock will involve.

Myth: All Docks Need A Large Number Of Support Poles Installed

Individuals may assume that a dock will need to have numerous structural supports poles that will anchor it ot the floor of the body of water. While this is a common design option for docks, floating docks can be an option that will allow for the benefits of a dock without the need for this type of major construction work or modifications to the floor of the body of water. These dock systems can also be retracted fairly easily, which can be convenient for those that will need to move the dock during tropical storms or other major weather events that could damage the docks.

Myth: Maintaining A Dock Will Be Extremely Difficult And Cumbersome

Keeping a dock maintained and cleaned will often be far easier than people may think. For example, it is possible to quickly clean a dock so that any algae or other substances on it can be removed before contributing to corrosion or rot developing. Many docks will utilize a modular design that can make it relatively easy to remove damaged sections so that they can be replaced. In situations where the dock has suffered damages that will have to be repaired, this can make it possible to limit the scope of the repairs to the sections of the dock that were directly damaged, and it can keep the repair costs and difficulties low.

Myth: There Are Few Design Options Available When Installing A Dock

It can be a common option for individuals to opt for a very basic dock design. However, others may prefer their new dock to have a range of features and amenities. One example of this can be a docking system that provides for electrical outlets, storage capacity, and covered areas. When you are in the process of creating a design for the dock, you should consider all of the ways that you intend to regularly use this part of your property. This can allow you to more effectively anticipate the types of needs that you will have so that the original design for the dock can account for them. Otherwise, you may find that retrofitting the dock to suit your needs can be a challenging and costly process.

If you're thinking about adding a dock to your waterfront property, talk to a local specialist today.

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