4 Steps To Repair Your Driveway And Apply A Protective Coating To Prevent Damage

Water getting into the cracks of your driveway can cause problems with wear and cracks that need to be repaired. If you want to ensure your driveway lasts, the damage will need to be repaired, and you will want to have a seal coating applied to the surface to prevent the damage from getting worse. The following steps will help you with repairs to your driveway and applying a seal coating to prevent problems with damage:

Inspect The Surface And Areas Around Your Driveway For Damage And Signs Of Problems

You will want to start with inspecting the surface of the driveway pavement for damage, which may be small cracks or more visible problems. In addition to inspecting the surface of the pavement, look for other problems with drainage and soil erosion that could be the cause of damage to the pavement.

Thoroughly Clean The Damaged Areas To Prepare Them To Be Repaired Before The Seal Coating Is Applied

The damaged areas of the pavement will need to be thoroughly cleaned before repairs can be done. First, you will want to use a hose to remove any loose debris. You can use a pressure washer to clean the rest of the surface, but be careful with using too much pressure because this can sometimes damage the pavement. Using cleaners and a wider spray when pressure water can prevent more damage that is caused by pressure washing.

Repair The Damage To The Surface of Your Driveway And Improve Drainage

The damage to the surface of the pavement will need to be repaired before the seal coating can be applied. You will want to fill any holes with a filler material and address any problems with poor drainage before repairing the surface. A filler compound will need to be applied to minor cracks and damage, and concrete or asphalt used to fill in any larger damage to the pavement.

Apply The Seal Coating 

The last step in the process will be to apply the seal coating to the surface of your driveway. This can be a colored coating, which will cover any repairs and give the driveway a more attractive finish. The seal coating will protect the driveway from damage that can be caused by problems like water filtering through the cracks and causing erosion or winter damage when it freezes. The seal coating will ensure your pavement lasts for many more years to come.

These are the steps that you are going to need to go through to repair your driveway and prepare to seal it. If you are ready to repair and protect your driveway from damage, contact a concrete driveway coating service for help.

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